Saturday, July 27, 2013

Brian Elgart's tenants are animals

I received an email from one of Brian Elgart's this week. The tenant lives on the top floor of Brian Elgart's building. They said they have gotten severe water damage in their apartment due to the roof above them. Apparently tenants in the building keep going on the roof and having parties and leaving a huge mess which causes the roof drains to clog and destroy their apartments ceiling.

These actions have led to Brian Elgart having to install an entirely new roof on the building. The tenant said not even a few days of completing the new roof which must have cost a fortune the tenants were back up there causing the same problems only this time they decided to bring up several barbeques which caused a small fire on the roof. Brian Elgart was told and he immediately called the police. He also posted signs that no one is to be on the roof which is a violation of their lease and has now installed security cameras up there. They wanted to make it clear that Brian Elgart has done everything to make they're building a safe place to live but some crappy tenants in the building are making life miserable!

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