Sunday, July 7, 2013

Brian Elgart's tenant almost destroys building

I received an email from one of Brian Elgart's tenants telling me about how the tenant above them almost destroyed the building. They have been living in the building for a couple of years now, when they moved in the apartment was newly renovated. They said they love the building and the location. After about a year they noticed there was some water coming down in they're bathroom but didn't think much of it. Then it started getting worse. They called Brian Elgart and told him about this and he sent out his maintenance company to check it out. Apparently the leak was coming from the tenant living above them. The maintenance company said they have been trying to get in but the tenant above them wouldn't let them in. The tenant themselves went up to tell the tenant that they were having a problem with water leaking and if she could please let the maintenance company please come in to fix it, she refused. The tenant apparently is an older woman who is rent controlled and she actually hasn't paid rent for over a year. They are the best tenants. They said she was clearly not all there.
Finally this past weekend the water started pouring out of the ceiling and caused paint to fall off the ceiling. The tenant thought the whole ceiling was going to fall down. Finally they had enough and told Brian Elgart that this was an absolute emergency and that they couldn't even go to the bathroom because water was pouring down and flooding they're bathroom. The maintenance company again came and the tenant again refused entry. At this point there was no way they couldn't fix the problem. They called HPD as well as the police and finally gained access. Below are pictures of what they found. Probably one of the most disgusting sites I have ever seen. I don't know how these tenants are allowed to pay nothing in rent, basically being supported by landlords like Brian Elgart and are free to get away with whatever they want as if they own the place. We need to get rid of the rent control system. I'm not talking about rent stabilized, I'm talking about rent controlled.

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